Dementia is anathema to health care and its mission of curing, healing or at least preventing maladies from worsening. By the time symptoms surface, the irreversible damage is done. Diagnosed patients can live as long as 20 years; the human and financial cost is open-ended. Nearly 4 million people in the United States have dementia, and a recent study calculates that number will exceed 9 million by 2040.1 By: John Morrissey
December 2014
LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Nov. 12, 2014 ā There is currently no cure for Alzheimerās disease and other dementias. The main barriers to the development of effective treatments for Alzheimerās disease are an incomplete understanding of the disease, fragmented resources, and challenges with the design and implementation of clinical trials. Experts gathered at a two day meeting in Lausanne to discuss future steps to address dwindling product pipelines and to increase the productivity of drug development processes.
November 2014
Memory Walks are taking place all around the World during World Alzheimerās Month in September every year, to raise awareness about Alzheimerās disease and other dementias. But there has never been an international Memory walk until today during the 28th international conference of Alzheimerās Disease International in Taipei. The walk attracted 4,000 people from 35 countries and included President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan. The government of Taiwan just announced that it is going to work on a national Alzheimer plan.
April 2013
April 2013