Splaine Consulting

Mike Splaine and Kate Gordon are well known policy analysts and teachers of grassroots advocacy technique who have built strong, nationwide communities of work and continuous learning.

Mike Splaine is the owner and principal of Splaine Consulting. He has been working in the field of health and long term care since 1988. Mike has a proven track record of helping organizations achieve success in advocacy for health and long-term care issues. He helps lead clients to successful policy change by combining his deep knowledge of policy and program development and management with his skills in public speaking, community organizing, adult education, media strategy, and public health communications. Mike Splaine established Splaine Consulting after a more than 20-year career on the public policy and advocacy staff of the Alzheimer’s Association.

Mike is known worldwide for the bringing the real face of a problem into the policy arena to yield success with policy influencers.

Review Mike’s CV here.

Mike Splaine

Kate Gordon is a skilled health policy analyst and grassroots advocacy strategist with more than 20 years of experience working in the fields of health and long term care. She has expertise in a diverse range of health and long term care issues topics, including federal and state policies affecting persons with dementia, caregiver interventions, and direct care worker training. Her previous work includes assisting in the development of the first US National Alzheimer’s Plan and 18 state government Alzheimer’s disease plans.

Kate was awarded the 2013 HHSinnovates People’s Choice and Secretary’s Choice award winner for “Connecting to Combat Alzheimer’s”.

Kate is sought after for her high energy, results-driven advocacy planning skills.

Review Kate’s CV here.

Kate Gordon

Strategic Partners

Splaine Consulting is a small, nimble shop that expands its capabilities by bundling and contracting in skill sets that we may not have on staff. Our size allows us to operate with low overhead compared to many other firms in the area.


We are able to enhance our national and international service offerings in the areas of public relations, marketing and branding, graphic design, and legal counsel through the use of our network of strategic partners.