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Splaine Consulting December 2020 Newsletter
Splaine Consulting Highlights
Our team’s advocacy work, here & abroadAn inside look into Splaine Consulting’s work
Some of what we’re working on right now—clients and projects
- Kate is wrapping up her dementia policy class at Erickson School at UMBC and preparing for next semester there. The Splaine Consulting team isoffering an online Dementia Care Policy and Practice class with CEU at UMass Boston starting in January. View UMASS Course
- Mike is researching American Indian laws and regulations regarding dementia and caregiving.
- Mike and Kate are continuing to lead work groups emerging from the Living Alone with AD Solutions Summit in Rhode Island last month. This includes active promotion of Living Alone and Connected Facebook group which serves persons with dementia who live alone. www.livingaloneandconnected.com
- The Splaine Consulting team is helping a community-based organization identify business opportunities with healthcare partners, medical organizations, and secure to Medicare reimbursement for new and existing service offerings.
- As a consultant on NIA RO1 grants, Kate interviewed colleagues around the country about their implementation of an evidence-based AD caregiver support program and is informing protocol development for a new, volunteer-based program.
Our team is always ready to tackle problems and take on new projects. Perhaps you have something that you are doing that needs our assistance or expertise? If so, please contact us!

Even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Splaine Consulting team continues to make strides with Alzheimer’s and dementia related programs. Splaine Consulting assisted a community-based organization to determine what services it could provide community dwelling elders and persons with AD who test positive for COVID-19 from a community testing site. In less than 10 business days, we identified service options within their existing capability, short- and longterm payment mechanisms and an assessment of the potential for partnerships with community testing sites.
Interested in assessing your opportunities? Contact Mike & Kate!
34th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International is here!
On December 10-12 The Virtual 34th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International is hosted together with Alzheimer’s Disease Association. This unique, multi-disciplinary event brings together all
those with an interest in dementia, including researchers, scientists, clinicians, allied healthcare professionals, people living with dementia, family members, care professionals, and staff and volunteers of Alzheimer associations.
Splaine Consulting is proud to be a part of this event. Mike will be presenting a session in Models of Care 4-08 Reducing Hospital Readmissions of Persons with Dementia. Kate will be presenting on Living Alone with
Dementia during the Social isolation, loneliness, depression and the consequences for people with dementia and carers. Both sessions will be available on Saturday the 12th. We will also be represented through poster
presentation 406 and we will have a booth in the virtual exhibition presentation.
Registration for the conference is open until the conference begins. Spanish and Simplified Chinese subtitles will be available for all sessions.

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