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Splaine Consulting March 2021 Newsletter
NEW Funding Opportunity
The Administration for Community Living has announced a 3-year grant opportunity to support and promote dementia-capable home and community-based service (HCBS) systems in states and communities.
Do you have ideas for expanding your existing community-based dementia service offerings?

ACL’s funding supports provision of dementiaspecific HCBS services and dementia training for community-based providers at both the State and Community levels.
Award Range: $550,000-$1,000,000
Application Details: https://acl.gov/grants/alzheimers-disease-programs-initiativegrants-states-and-communities-1
Application deadline: April 26, 2021.
Splaine Consulting can help connect you with previously funded grantees, potential partners and evaluators
Living Alone and Connected!

Living Alone and Connected! (LAAC) is an online community made for persons living alone with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Through the creation of dynamic content and interactive online
events, LAAC’s mission is to lessen the effects of the existing social isolation people with Alzheimer’s already faced, but has become exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Living Alone and Connected! is developing new programs that include happy hours, live museum tours, arts nights, and educational presentations all to be held live in various online formats. Through creativity we will create connectivity! You might live alone, but you don’t have to feel alone.
Living Alone and Connected! is a Facebook group hosted and moderated by Cognitive Solutions, LLC. Living Alone and Connected! is supported in part by a cooperative agreement NV90ALGG0015 from the Administration on Aging (AoA), Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Click to view LAACLiving Alone with AD: A Solutions Summit
The Living Alone with Alzheimer’s Summit is a travelling initiative to build community energy, knowledge and kick off a response to support persons living alone with dementia. This initiative comes in both in person and online formats

The Living Alone Summit agenda will include conversations with persons who are navigating life with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, an overview of the numbers and types of single person households they live in, health and social risk factors such as social isolation, and ethical dilemmas to consider.
Solutions providers from social services, health care and technology sectors will be featured. This could be a great stakeholder event for any ADPI proposal.
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You can find the share buttons pictured here at the bottom in the footer of this newsletter. Please share to help make people more aware of what’s going on in the Alzheimer’s and dementia world!

Interested in accessing your opportunities?
Our history with this unique program goes all the way back to its creation and initial funding in the 1990’s through to the present in which we have been a consultant to several of the grantees, with a special focus on the live alone population and guiding stakeholder development and sustainability strategy in the translating evidence based programs into community use.
Contact Mike & Kate!