Splaine Consulting

Splaine Consulting Updates: May 2017


A huge step forward for Global Alzheimer Advocacy
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND—On Monday, May 29th, the World Health Organization (WHO) Assembly officially passed a Global Action Plan on Dementia, representing a huge step forward for Alzheimer advocacy around the world. Areas for action include: reducing the risk of dementia; diagnosis, treatment and care; research and innovative technologies; and development of supportive environments for carers. Read the statement from ADI to learn more about the plan and its international impact. 

WHO Global Plan

Quotable Quote: The Current “Unsustainable” Response to Dementia 
“Dementia is becoming the most expensive disease of the 21st century. Hope for the future depends on research. ADI proposes that nationally 1% of the societal cost of dementia should be devoted to funding research in: basic science, care improvements, prevention and risk reduction, drug development and public health.”
— Paola Barbarino, incoming CEO of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), addressing Assembly attendees on the current “unsustainable” response to dementia
How Splaine Consulting Played a Role 
Prior to the vote, the Splaine Consulting team joined policy makers, advocates, persons with dementia, and other dementia care professionals for a special side-event at the 70th World Health Assembly, “New Opportunities from the Global Action Plan on Dementia,” co-hosted by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health in partnership with Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), Dementia Alliance International (DAI), and the Global Alzheimer’s and Dementia Action Alliance (GADAA). Through ADI, Splaine Consulting works with Alzheimer organizations, governments, and the WHO to develop national and subnational plans for dementia.