Splaine Consulting

Welcome to Our Blog!

As 2016 comes to a close and we make plans for the New Year, with possibly some trepidation about what 2017 may bring, we are excited about the launch of our new blog. Our goal is for our content to help you become better advocates and policy strategists, keep you informed about healthcare, long-term care and Alzheimer’s and dementia disorders policy and share tips for developing better advocacy activities to meet your organization’s mission.

Our blog will also connect you to larger causes and deliver informative content based on our years of policy and advocacy experience. As Michael Splaine, our founder has said, “the key to creating successful movements that make social and political change happen is motivating individuals to advocate and to make people feel part of something bigger than themselves.”  We hope to inspire you here as well.

We have your back in fighting the many tough challenges ahead in the Alzheimer’s, dementia and healthcare world.  As you know, far too many people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and more research funding and legislative action is needed to help those afflicted and their caregivers. In healthcare with the call to repeal the Affordable Care Act and rapidly changing care delivery system, you will need to be ready to spring into action and create strategies to deliver smart policies solutions. Here’s the content coming soon to this blog to help you prepare for future challenges.

  • Smart policy analysis on timely issues related to long-term care, aging, caregiving, Medicare, Medicaid and much more.
  • Specific focus on Alzheimer’s and dementia policy.
  • Advocacy best practices and how-tos.
  • International viewpoints on healthcare.
  • Spotlight interviews featuring leaders in the healthcare industry.
  • Policy perspectives from advocates working in the field.

We have a great team at Splaine Consulting who will be writing articles and since we’re not tied to any government, organization or corporation, you can expect unbiased opinions to help you establish your own perspectives on important topics. We’re connected to a deep network of healthcare policy experts and advocates who will share and contribute their expertise on our blog. Having said that, if you would like to be a guest blogger for us, we welcome it.

We look forward to your engagement with us in 2017 and helping you in any way we can to meet your policy and advocacy goals.