Splaine Consulting

Publications on Intellectual Disability & Dementia Now Available in Journals

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One of Splaine Consulting’s recent projects — in which the team served in an advisory/advocacy role — is participation with the National Task Group (NTG) on Intellectual Disability and Dementia Practices. The NTG worked alongside the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Developmental Disabilities and Health (RRTCDD/H) at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and colleagues across the pond in Scotland at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), the University of Stirling, and Alzheimer’s Scotland.

These collaborative partners created an ‘International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia,’ tasked with developing “a major international policy statement on a number of areas related to dementia and adults with ID, including human rights and the CRPD, nomenclature, advanced dementia, end-of-life care practices, aiding family caregivers, community dementia capable care practices, and advocacy for inclusion of persons with ID in national Alzheimer’s plans.”

To read any of the publications the Splaine Consulting team was instrumental in developing — and to see which ones have now been picked up by various academic journals — check out this Collaborative Projects page of the NTG website, or download this PDF.