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Splaine Consulting February 2022 Newsletter
Nutrition and Brain Health in American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes
‘Promising Practice: Food Pathways as Medicine for
Dementia in Tribal Communities’ by Mary Ann
Frank, Mike Splaine, and Jolie Crowder outlines the
benefits nutrition can have on brain health and how these issues are getting attention in American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. A variety of programs and stakeholders in these areas are working to address food insecurites, food deserts, and access to healthy foods. Learn more and read the full article here.
The IA2 American Indian and Alaska Native Brain Health met last month and featured findings from an environmental scan on tribal laws and policy on Alzheimer’s and dementia in tribal and Alaska Native communities by Mike Splaine, Owner of Splaine Consulting.
Optimal Aging Conference
Save the date for the virtual Optimal Aging Conference, April 23-26.
Mike Splaine, owner of Splaine Consulting will present a poster on
persons with dementia who live alone called ‘Can a Person with Dementia Live Alone?’. The Optimal Aging Conference brings together healthcare and social service professionals, industry members, academics, older adults, and caregivers. Registration and more details will be made available soon.
Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller
In celebration of Black History Month, we would like to acknowledge the achievements of Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller, a pioneer in Alzheimer’s disease research. Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller was an African American
Psychiatrist who worked for Dr. Alois Alzheimer.
Fuller published the first comprehensive review of Alzheimer’s
disease and worked to support persons with mental illness.
The largest mental health center in New England, the Solomon Carter Fuller Mental Health Center is named in his honor.
Learn more about Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller’s incredible work and legacy here.
Head Injuries and Dementia
Much attention has been given to the link between repeated head injuries in football players and increased risk of dementia.
This article highlights that even those of us who aren’t boxers or football players can be vulnerable to even mild or moderate brain injuries that may increase the risk of developing ADRD years after
they occur.
Learn more about the potential long-term consequences of head injuries and what actions can be taken to help lessen the effects of brain injuries here.
Do you have caregivers of persons with AD in your network that may benefit from participating in positive emotion research? CLICK HERE to view the LEAF Study flyer or visit the study website. If you are interested in participating in this study, please fill out this survey.
Living Alone and Connected!
Living Alone and Connected! (LAAC) is an online community made for persons living alone with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Through dynamic content and interactive online events, LAAC’s mission is to lessen the effects of the existing social isolation many people with Alzheimer’s already faced, isolation that was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Living Alone and Connected! hosts events and programs that include happy hours,
live museum tours, arts nights, and educational presentations, all held live through the Facebook group. Through creativity we will create connectivity! You might live alone, but you don’t have to feel alone.
Living Alone and Connected! is a Facebook group hosted and moderated by Cognitive Solutions, LLC. Living Alone and Connected! is supported in part by a cooperative agreement 90ADPI0067-01-00 from the Administration on Aging (AoA), Alzheimer’s Disease Program Initiative (ADPI) and cooperative agreement NVADPI0082 from the Neighbor Network of Northern Nevada.
If you, or someone you care for, has Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia and lives in a single household, please join or share the Living Alone and Connected Facebook group.
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