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Splaine Consulting November 2020 Newsletter
Splaine Consulting Highlights
Our team’s advocacy work, here & abroad
Supporting People Living with Dementia During COVID-19
Splaine Consulting’s Kate Gordon and colleague Dr. Heather Menne
provide an in depth overview of the array of challenges the COVID-19
pandemic has caused to the ongoing care of individuals with dementia in the American Society on Aging’s November/December edition of Generations Today. Challenges include the impact on home- and community-based services, specifically in person services. Once thought to be temporary, emergency closures of many services and centers have led to permanent closures. Read the full article to learn about how programs have adapted to overcome these challenges in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

APHA Adopts Alzheimer’s Policy Statement
The American Public Health Association (APHA) has adopted a policy statement designed to strengthen the public health response to Alzheimer’s,
dementia and cognitive health. This is the first-ever APHA policy statement
focused on dementia. Ten recommendations in the policy statement provide
actions for policy makers and leaders in the private sector to better prepare
the nation’s workforce to adequately, competently, and compassionately care for people living with dementia.
A summary is now available — Strengthening the Dementia Care
Workforce: A Public Health Priority — https://www.apha.org/news-andmedia/news-releases/apha-news-releases/2020/2020-apha-policystatements

You can now view the Hospital2Home-
Dementia Capable Care Transitions: Better
Care, Better Outcomes Webinar (CE Credit
Presented by Jeff Klein; FACHE President & CEO, Nevada Senior Services Inc, The Hospital2Home-Dementia Capable Care Transitions: Better Care, Better Outcomes Webinar is now available to be viewed online. Persons with cognitive impairment and their care partners experience daunting challenges receiving dementia capable healthcare and related community-based transition services during and after a hospital stay. As many as 25% of elderly hospital patients may have dementia, often without a recorded diagnosis. Best practices in hospital to home care transitions have been shown to reduce readmission rates as well as mitigate the potential for poor outcomes. This presentation will introduce participants to Hospital2Home, a highly successful care transitions model for people living with dementia with a hospital readmission rate of less than 1%.
Click to view Webinar
Lifeline Available to Lower Monthly Phone or
Internet Bill
Lifeline is a federal program that helps lower the cost of your monthly phone or internet bill. Customers living on federally recognized Tribal Lands can receive up to $34.25 off phone or Internet service. Lifeline is a program of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to help make communications services more affordable for eligible consumers. To learn more, visit https://www.lifelinesupport.org/additional-support-for-tribal-lands/.

Help us spread the news!
You can find the share buttons pictured here at the bottom in the footer of this newsletter.
Please share to help make people more aware of what’s going on in the Alzheimer’s and
dementia world!

Living Alone and Connected!
Living Alone and Connected! is an online community made for persons
living alone with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Living Alone and Connected! is a place where people can come together to share questions, ideas, and find curated information to provide support to those living with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia who live in a single person household.
Living Alone and Connected! is a Facebook group hosted and moderated by Cognitive Solutions, LLC. Living Alone and Connected! is supported in part by a cooperative agreement NV90ALGG0015 from the Administration on Aging (AoA), Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Community Partnership Opportunities During COVID-19
Recently Splaine Consulting assisted a community-based organization to
determine what services it could provide community dwelling elders and persons with AD who test positive for COVID-19 from a community testing site. In less than 10 business days, we identified service options within their existing capability, short- and long-term payment mechanisms and an assessment of the potential for partnerships with community testing sites.
Interested in assessing your opportunities? Contact Mike & Kate!