Splaine Consulting

Splaine Consulting Updates: November 2017

Mike Splaine Testifies Before AGH Subcommittee on Capitol Hill On Wednesday, November 29th, Mike Splaine was among a panel of experts called upon by the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s AGH (Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations) to present “A Global Update on Alzheimer’s Disease.” The special hearing was convened by Representative Chris… Continue reading Splaine Consulting Updates: November 2017

Splaine Consulting Updates: October 2017

Mike Splaine Gives Keynote Address at Dementia Summit “Dementia friendly communities face the dual challenges of defeating stigma that prevents full social participation by persons living with dementia, while at the same time promoting brain health in the as yet unaffected population. It’s a mindful.” – Mike Splaine, 2017 Learning Summit, ACT on Alzheimer’s On… Continue reading Splaine Consulting Updates: October 2017

Splaine Consulting Updates: September 2017

Mike Splaine Attends IDD Meeting in Berlin From October 2-4, Mike Splaine joined hundreds of professionals, providers, advocates, persons with dementia, and caregivers in Berlin, Germany, for the annual Alzheimer Europe conference. On October 3, members of the International Summit on Intellectual Disability & Dementia met for a informational meeting. As Mike reports, caring for… Continue reading Splaine Consulting Updates: September 2017

Splaine Consulting Updates: August 2017

“Remember Me” is 2017 #WorldAlzMonth Theme September is World Alzheimer’s Month, a chance for citizens of the world to raise awareness of dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease International will be focusing on the importance of diagnosis, while “framing the call for action in response” to WHO’s Global Plan on Dementia, which passed this May. Download free campaign… Continue reading Splaine Consulting Updates: August 2017

Splaine Consulting Updates: July 2017

Alzheimer’s Association to Fund Dementia Risk Reduction Trial Mike Splaine reports from #AAIC2017 in London on the news of the Alzheimer’s Association’s $20 million lifestyle intervention trial in the U.S. to prevent cognitive decline: “This announcement continues and extends the trend of public health and the Alzheimer community to move forward swiftly on the evidence… Continue reading Splaine Consulting Updates: July 2017