Splaine Consulting

Splaine Consulting Updates: July 2017

Alzheimer’s Association to Fund Dementia Risk Reduction Trial Mike Splaine reports from #AAIC2017 in London on the news of the Alzheimer’s Association’s $20 million lifestyle intervention trial in the U.S. to prevent cognitive decline: “This announcement continues and extends the trend of public health and the Alzheimer community to move forward swiftly on the evidence… Continue reading Splaine Consulting Updates: July 2017

Splaine Consulting Updates: June 2017

Catch up on the latest international Alzheimer advocacy activities from Splaine Consulting.

Splaine Consulting Updates: April 2017

PAHO and Alzheimer’s University Training March was a busy month, with Mike Splaine and Kate Gordon presenting a 4-day training course, Alzheimer’s University, for national leaders of Alzheimer’s associations with Alzheimer’s Disease International. Training events included a visit to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to discuss the implementation of the PAHO Regional Plan of Action on Dementia in Older Adults. A… Continue reading Splaine Consulting Updates: April 2017

Welcome to Our Blog!

As 2016 comes to a close and we make plans for the New Year, with possibly some trepidation about what 2017 may bring, we are excited about the launch of our new blog. Our goal is for our content to help you become better advocates and policy strategists, keep you informed about healthcare, long-term care… Continue reading Welcome to Our Blog!